New You in 2014: Be Your Best

Oprah Quote

Beeee youuuurrr BEST! Be your best! Put your own service to the test!

That was a lame intro. Beauty & the Beast “Be Our Guest” reference if you didn’t know! (And shame on you if you didn’t know!)

Be your best. This is something that is near and dear to my heart, because I’ve had a hard time with realizing that I need to by MY best. Not my neighbor’s best. Not Beyonce’s best. Not my best friend’s best, but MY OWN BEST. My personal goals and strengths need to collaborate freely without pushing other people’s strengths and talents down my own throat. It’s a hard concept to grasp and one that I am still working on!

You know why? There is a thin line between motivation and copy-catting. For me, it’s in the form of fitness. I follow many, many fitness “Instagrammers” (if you will.) I see them posting their motivational postings. They are talking about the run they just did or the pounds they lost this week. I compare my successes to them and am left thinking why can’t I just be like so and so?! She lost 12 lbs last week and she runs and she…. The truth is: you’re not her. You are beautifully you. You are WONDERFULLY you, and your progress will be made in time. Your progress will be made in YOUR PERFECT TIME.

This doesn’t mean you can just sit back and wait for “your time.” It means YOU are the one who works and determines your own time and progress. Instead of sitting back and waiting for things to come to you, get out there, give it your all, and be the BEST version of yourself. Love yourself and be kind to yourself…you deserve it!