What’s in My Work Bag?

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whats in my work bag 1


Do you remember hearing people say that a man never goes into a lady’s purse? Well…men, shield your eyes! (You don’t really have to, I was just being dramatic!) Today I want to share the things that I keep in my daily handbag that I take to work. (Sparing the random bits of paper, trash and junk.) Hopefully you can get some tips for things to carry with you!




  1. Mascara & Concealer– These products can take you from hobo to “hobo chic” in a matter of seconds. I like to keep them with me just in case my lazy, no makeup day turns into a few meetings and dinner with friends day! (Both by Maybelline!)
  2. 500 Lip Products– Maybe 500 was an exaggeration, but no bag would be complete without having way too many lipsticks and chapsticks in them. They just seem to collect from wearing different colors every day and bringing them along to touch up throughout the day. The one I couldn’t be without is the Chapstick Total Hydration. It visibly renews lips, and that’s important for this time of year!
  3. Wallet– I usually keep a really small wallet, but lately I have been using this HUGE one by Kate Spade. Plus, it matches my purse, which is never an issue!
  4. Notebook & Planner– I am not one of those over-enthusiastic planner people who color coordinate and use stickers and the whole 9 yards. I like a solid planner with plenty of room to keep track of all things from my daily life to work, school, and my blog.IMG_2974
  5. Centrum VitaMints– I am the worst at remembering to take my vitamins, but without fail, I have a mint around the same time every morning (to freshen up before I head into the office.) The new Centrum VitaMints are adult multivitamins with a refreshingly minty taste you can take/enjoy any time of day with or without food or water. They’re magical and multi-purpose, just how I like things. I need to stay healthy this winter!
  6. Kindle– You can’t escape electronics these days, but I love having my Amazon Kindle (4th gen) on the go with me. It’s so nice to have a “shelf” of books at your fingertips. I like to be able to read at work on breaks, because it feels like a fresh escape from my sometimes monotonous job.pfizer products
  7. Advil Tablet Vial– My grandma used to carry one of these around, and I guess traditions are passed on, even when you don’t realize it. I use Advil tablets for headaches, minor arthritis and other joint pain, muscle aches and pains of the common cold (which are common this season.) I love being the one to help out whenever someone asks the question you hear a LOT in an office, “Does anyone have any Advil?”
  8. Perfume– I like to be able to freshen up on the go, so carrying around some sort of perfume is a must. In my handbag, I prefer to keep more fresh, light scents versus light or overly floral. It makes it easy to quickly freshen up, especially if you are going from work to a night out! (This one is Fig by Laura Mercier.)
  9. Commuter Kit– I shared this in a blog post from last month, and I don’t travel downtown without it. It’s a great “just in case” pouch that I happen to reach for on a weekly, almost daily, basis.


What do you keep in your bag for work? Anything to keep you healthier moving into the ever-so-troublesome cold and flu season? Let me know in the comments!