Do you see this outfit? I literally had to take the tags off of each item to take this photo. (Besides my shoes.) I love shopping, I love having new outfits, but the truth is that I love my sanity more.
In an Insta-run world where we are all trying to capture our cool new things, I just feel much more sane when I pair my items down, cut back on bringing things into my home, and take the time to enjoy the things that I do have! I realized that over the last month I had accrued much more than I intended to, so I’ve decided I need a cleanse.

It’s nice to know limitations, and you know what? I had to set these for myself. If you are someone who is feeling overwhelmed by all the STUFF, then please, by all means, join me! I plan on going until April 1st at a minimum. Wouldn’t it be cool if I could extend it? And isn’t it insane how addicted we are to spending? Check out my 3 tips below.
This is me letting everyone know. I also posted a big WHY on my Instagram. I’m telling all my friends and family. I need people to know what I am doing and why so they are not surprised when I turn down a shopping trip or going out to grab lunch. It will also help keep you accountable!
Take any cash you have on hand and deposit it. I kept out $11 of “just in case I encounter a toll or fee” type of money, but all my other cash is in the bank. Likewise, only keep your debit card with you and ONLY for things like gas and groceries.
Click unsubscribe on those promo emails. They really are doing more harm than good! Don’t go to the mall. Don’t even go to Target to get groceries. Find a dedicated grocery store and stay on task! (Better yet, find an Aldi!) It can be hard to adjust to, but once you get the hang of removing money-spending triggers in your life, you’ll be better for it!

I hope these tips serve you well. They are things I will be trying to live by for the next 3 months, and I hope you’ll consider joining me in this venture! I am excited to see the money I save, the ways I find to cut back, and the extra time I will allow myself by not giving in to “spending for fun.” Do you think you could do a no spend month or three?
☺ so amazing! I need to budget as well and reading this gave me more tips!