Goldfish Swim School – Baby Swim Class in Indianapolis, Indiana

Have you ever seen anything cuter than a baby in a bikini? How about a baby actually SWIMMING in their bikini? It’s a treat, and since we have signed our 6 month old daughter up for swim lessons, we get to see it EVERY WEEK.
Better yet, thanks to Goldfish Swim School, we get to watch our infant learn important water skills and improve upon life skills as well. Below, you can read my TOP 5 REASONS TO SIGN YOUR BABY UP FOR SWIM LESSONS. You’ll be surprised by some of the reasons! (List adapted from this article.) Thank you Goldfish Swim School for sponsoring this post.

Since you can start your baby in lessons at 4 months with Goldfish, you can get them swimming before they can even sit up! Your baby will be able to focus on learning balance while having a blast in the pool.

My girl has some confidence issues. At first, I thought she was just a lazy baby, but I have found that if I walk her through things a few times, she gains the confidence to do them on her own. Combining the balance and strength she is learning in the water is a great way to boost confidence and get your child to feel comfortable both on the water and land!
If you’re a stay at home mom or your child see many other babies, starting them in lessons is an awesome way to get them around more children their age. It is amazing to see them learn helpful skills in interacting and playing with others!

Doing swim lessons is SO fun for baby, and I can tell you, it’s really fun for the parent too! I look forward to my weekly pool time with Cece and she really does too. Clara gets to splash around and have a great time, and I get to see her learning and enjoying herself! We really value the family time.
Strength building is a major win with any person in swimming, no matter the age! Babies can learn to use their muscles in ways they hadn’t needed to or thought of before. This ultimately helps them become stronger and strengthens their cores!
If you’re interested in signing your baby or child up for lessons, you can click here to find a Goldfish Swim School near you!
Click here to see what to expect when you take your baby to their first mini class!