Three whole months of the year have come and gone, and thus- my first quarter of a year during my “NO SPEND” challenge has been concluded. I am proud of myself and the progress I’ve made, even with the few things I mention in a video that might be considered “cheating” by more narrow standards.
If you’re interested in hearing all the details of my goals and how my no spend has been going, watch the video below. For a quick overview, read further to for my take!
- Work on being content with what I already have.
- Use what you already have.
- Increase sustainability.
- Save personal money to invest in quality items later on. (From allowances, side gigs, etc.)
- Stay more organized & less messy.
- Spend “shopping” or online searching time doing something I WANT or NEED to be doing instead.
- Pay off business debts.
- No mindless purchasing!
- I made a “repurchase” (something okay on my rules) that I personally feel came very close to being considered to break my no buy,
- I have continued to support local companies I love, the only one regarding clothing/accessories being Shop Gina Celeste. (10% off with code PRETTYPLUS10.) I spent around $40 with her in the 1st Quarter of 2020.
- I accidentally left an auto-reload on my Starbucks card when my gift cards ran out. ($25 WHOOPS!)
- I sold 89 items on Poshmark and profited $678.35 (after fees!)
- I was able to pay off $1900 of business debt (when I thought I would only be able to do $300.)