I think March and April were free passes for everyone. I didn’t update here for my budget, even though I did still update on YouTube. The current state of things is just so weird. I wasn’t in a good schedule, and well…you know! I am here to update you now!
With everything going on with Coronavirus, we have been SO BLESSED as a family to only have good financial things to share. Clara hadn’t been going to daycare, so we didn’t pay for daycare, hardly paid for gas, and didn’t have any unfortunate things “just pop up” that we needed to take care of!
We were able to put $1,150 toward our emergency fund. This brings our fund to $2,000 total! We are looking to fund at least $10,000 this year and we are well on our way!
In March, my No Spend was very successful! I did purchase a replacement pair of shoes, which I struggled with at first. But it made sense and I don’t regret it! I sold 18 items and NET $196.40.
April continued to be a good month for us! We did have some major changes, and of course, we received our stimulus check. We are in the midst of a refinance for our house, which I will talk about further soon! That cost us $525 out of pocket. (Spoiler: this will end up saving us around $300 per month!)
We switched cell phone providers and got new phones, so we had costs associated with that this month as well. We were over our cell budget by $178, but we knew this was going to be coming up soon. This will end up saving us around $50 per month!
We put $2,500 into our emergency fund, putting us halfway to our $10,000 savings goal! YES!!!
In April, my No Spend was pretty successful! I had spent a little to bless some families in my county. That was really fun and made me feel like I’m being useful in this weird, trying time. I spent $10 at Starbucks. I just can’t quit that place! I’ve DEFINITELY cut back, which is the point. I should calculate how much I spent at Starbucks last year. Ugh- that would be a painful number.
I sold 11 items and NET $136.28. Not too shabby! I put the money toward my business debt, and will be that much closer to being debt free in business as well!
May was another great month, although we did spend a lot of money on RANDOMNESS, we are in such a better place now vs last year. We did go over on a few categories, under on a few others, and made some purchases that we are pretty excited about!
We put a down payment on a vacation we will be taking with my family in September to a cabin in Tennessee ($366,) bought a Dyson v8 Animal (on sale) for $257, and refinanced our home, but had to put $280 in our escrow account. (We did get that money back plus some from our old lender!)
All in all, a great month, and my 3 paychecks gave us some extra money even after all that spending. We are now funded at $7000 in our emergency fund. Just $3000 to go!
In May, my “No Spend” year still went pretty well. I did make a pretty large purchase that I had been wanting to for a while. The right sale came along, and I am the owner of a new Apple watch. I DO NOT regret the purchase, use it every day (compulsively) and love it! Quarantine has been a test for me, but I still haven’t given in and purchased meaningless items. No random shoes, clothes, necklaces, etc.
I still can’t quit Starbucks though.
I sold 9 items and NET $70.95 on Poshmark. It was the least amount of items I had sold in a month this year, but not the least I had earned. I am pretty happy with that number, especially since I haven’t been doing a great job of sharing or lowering my listings.
Hope June treats you well! Cheers to keeping track of your finances!