I keep marveling at all the things this year has brought us. We have had some very trying months as a whole. We have had setbacks and giant leaps forward alike. I’m still in awe of the growth I’ve seen some of my friends, family, and even fellow bloggers or brands have. The first six months of 2020 have brought me such clarity and light. This is a year for the history books, but this year is also one that I will personally recount as one that changed me.
As I am sure you know by now, I had set out this year to do a “NO BUY” year. I have since found that what I am doing is TECHNICALLY a “LOW BUY” year, but I didn’t know that at the time. So I am rolling with my original programming and calling it NO SPEND, even though I am allowed to buy some things.
The last three months have been infinitely harder to resist purchases than the first three months of the year. Quarantine, boredom, emotional spending, or whatever you want to call it- April-June of 2020 has just been hard. I have been tempted to purchase and I have given in!
If you’re interested in hearing all about my 6 month no buy update, watch the video and read on below!
- Work on being content with what I already have.
- Use what you already have.
- Increase sustainability.
- Save personal money to invest in quality items later on. (From allowances, side gigs, etc.)
- Stay more organized & less messy.
- Spend “shopping” or online searching time doing something I WANT or NEED to be doing instead.
- Pay off business debts.
- No mindless purchasing!
- I made a few purchases that wouldn’t be considered necessary. I bought an Apple Watch (ZERO regrets, I am obsessed with it!) I have purchased a few vintage items, for a total of $30.
- I have continued to support local companies I love, the only one regarding clothing/accessories being Shop Gina Celeste. (10% off with code PRETTYPLUS10.)
- I gave up on my “No Starbucks” rule, because I loved the sense of normalcy it brought me. HOWEVER, I found a hack for making an at home iced coffee that tastes like a latte that has actually detoured me from so much Starbucks. Now, I go there once every 2-3 weeks instead of DAILY.
- I sold 135 items on Poshmark and profited $944.23 (after fees!)
- I was able to pay off HALF of my business debt!
- I’ve replaced “online shopping time” with READING! I am LOVING reading and have finished 30 books!
I’m excited to see what the next 3 months bring, but since I am already into August I can tell you that July was rough. I’ll rebound! Life will continue to happen, and I will strive for self improvement in each new day.