When I was pregnant with Clara, I didn’t really think about or know what “viability” was. Once you either lose a baby or have one that ends up in the NICU, I can tell you that the next pregnancy you have changes. You’re constantly thinking of the baby you’re carrying, every twitch or ache is a worry, and while you try to savor the wonderful miracle during the time of creation- it can be difficult.
“Viability” in most hospitals is 24 weeks. It’s when your baby can realistically start to live or make it outside the womb as premature. (There have been cases earlier than this, but this is commonly known.) Today, I am 24 weeks with my double rainbow- my twins! My identical twin boys, to be specific. And I still can’t get over how wild our journey has been! And I can’t get over the fact that I’m creating twins specifically- how wild is that?!

My pregnancy with the twins has been waaaay totally different than my pregnancy with Clara. I started out with all-day morning sickness, motion sickness, etc. From even before 20 weeks, I was starting to get easily tired, sore, needed to lay down, and my bedtime has routinely been between 8-9pm.
If you remember, with Clara I hardly even looked pregnant, never really felt pregnant, and was generally feeling good the whole time. Glory days, I tell you! I took it all for granted, because now at 24 weeks I am in pain. Luckily, it’s a general uncomfortable pain, not a throbbing all day situation. I have lower back pain from the pressure, round ligament pain from the quick uterus expansion, and some on and off carpal tunnel issues.

Yeah, it’s a lot. I feel like I don’t complain enough for people to know just how uncomfortable I am. But I think I’ll start soon. I should be getting more attention at this point. HAHA
Enough of the complaining, and on to the more fun things!
These boys are MOVERS AND SHAKERS. They are pretty much always moving. And they travel as a pair. One minute they are down by my cervix and the next they are up by my ribs, always as a pair, always karate chopping along the way!
We have seen in my bi-weekly scans that Baby A is actually WAY more active, and Baby B seems to take a lot of the karate moves like a champ. He tends to be curled up in a ball while Baby A is stretched out, chillin’ so hard.

We officially have names picked out, because I bullied my husband into choosing NOW. I think naming people is stressful, but awesome. And I love to put a name to the movements I’m feeling! It helps me connect more, and that’s something I think someone who doesn’t carry a baby can’t really understand/relate to. I LOVE the names, but don’t plan on announcing them until birth. I hope I don’t slip up within the next 13 weeks. I did share the first initials on Instagram, so I will tell you here. They are B & P. <3
I have gotten so much of their nursery picked out or purchased, but we are having a hard time getting the room cleaned out to set up. The room was previously my husband’s office when he worked from home and the hub for all his hobbies. He’s having a tough time getting through all the stuff, which I understand. Although my antsy self doesn’t want to stress over putting everything together the night before (like we did with Clara.)

I’ve developed an unhealthy habit of shopping at Kate Quinn. Their clothes are so neutral and soft and sweet. Curse my friends who turned me on to them, but also thank them so much. I’ve also learned of the joy of the Facebook Buy, Sell, Trade pages- especially the TWINS ones. WHO KNOW THEY HAD THESE? The twin mamas sell sets of clothes or shoes or accessories on there for super cheap! I’ve scored the boys some Nike outfits and a few sets of shoes. Secondhand is always so nice, but wading through thrift stores really isn’t my favorite thing to do. So this is a nice compromise!
Okay, that’d enough for today! I just thought I’d give an extended update for those interested! Thanks for reading and caring about me, my family, and these twins! We are becoming more and more excited as time passes. XO