I had this post written mostly and it didn’t include anything about my new home away from home! Yes, my hospital room. I entered the 3rd trimester of pregnancy on Valentine’s Day this year, and things were all going okay, but not perfect. Fast forward to this week (32 weeks pregnant) and things just kind of took a quick turn.
I know I didn’t blog about this before, but back at our 24 week appointment, the maternal fetal medicine team let us know that our Baby B was being considered to have a growth restriction. (Intrauterine Growth restriction or IUGR, Clara had this, but was undiagnosed.) Twin B was measuring in the 7th percentile, and although he was small, he wasn’t having any other issues. The team did make sure we switched to weekly ultrasounds and weekly NSTs (Non-stress tests) to make sure they were well-monitored.

At 28 weeks, we were told Baby B had a growth spurt and grew from 7th percentile to 17th! Which isn’t considered IUGR! We got switched back to twice monthly scans and kept the weekly NSTs. So this past Monday, we had expected a growth update and were hopeful that both babies were continuing to grow well. Unfortunately, they found that BOTH babies were considered to have IUGR now, with Baby A at 10th percentile & Baby B at 6th.
The real issue was that Baby B has started to have intermittent absent cord flow, which means there is a lot of resistence, and sometimes no flow going through the cord. They decided to hospitalize me to keep constant monitoring, because if that flow becomes absent or reverse, then the twins need to be delivered ASAP.
We thought that this could potentially mean that I could be here until 37 weeks- the planned delivery time of the twins. Unfortunately, they are planning on delivering the babies at 34 weeks. This means that around March 28th, we will be meeting our boys!

While I’m excited to meet them, I am nervous for preemie life. I am sad to be away from Clara in the hospital for over two weeks, and I am not looking forward to NICU life again. It’s really hard. But our family is strong and can handle hard things. Clara and Brett have both been champs while I’ve been away, we have the best families who are willing to step in and help where we need it, and we will pull through this soon!
I’m assuming this will be my last PREGNANCY update! I have a few pregnancy-related posts that I have scheduled to go (another NICU post and a few food-related posts) but you’ll be seeing our baby announcement and birth story soon enough! <3