This post is in collaboration with Walgreens, but all ideas are my own. #WalgreensQuitforGood #for18+

I’ve never so much as taken one puff of a cigarette. I’ve never even had the urge. Do you know why? It’s because I grew up in a smoker’s house. Some would argue that being exposed to smoking for all my life would make me more susceptible to taking up the nasty habit. For me, it had quite the opposite effect.
All growing up, I found smoking to be embarrassing. I’d come to school and people would tell me I smelled like smoke. No matter how much I showered, washed my clothes, sprayed on body sprays, etc. You cannot escape that smell. Unless it was a VERY close friend, I didn’t want them to come inside. I loved my parents VERY much, but I hated the smoke.

As a pre-teen, I watched my grandfather suffer through lung cancer and lung removal. He used to sneak cigarettes in the garage and it was well-known to not let my grandma know! She would have chewed him out. It was horrible to watch him suffer from a cancer that could have been prevented. It was hard to stand by and see other people smoking with them knowing that could be them some day.
Around 7 years ago, my dad was diagnosed with throat cancer. A life-long smoker, there is no doubt that his habit probably played into his diagnosis. When told he needed to quit smoking, he didn’t. The addiction can be all-consuming, and even if you know there is a solid reason to quit– sometimes you can’t see a way out.

For my children, I hope for a better life. They will never have to suffer through a smoky home life. My husband and I are adamant about never ever smoking. I do not enjoy knowing that I have to make decisions based on the smoke at my parents’ house to determine how much time we spend there.
Wishing for good weather so we can have a smoke-free visit is even more important now that we have 5 month old twins that have premature lungs. Their orders for going home were specific to stay away from smoke as much as possible, especially in their first year of life. What I wouldn’t give to see my parents quit smoking for their own health, and the comfort and safety of their grandchildren! It can seem like a huge, daunting task, but there are programs and products that can help!

If this sounds like you or someone you love, and you are looking for a light at the end of the tunnel, the first step is to truly and willingly be ready to quit smoking FOR GOOD. I strongly encourage you to head to Walgreens for their smoking cessation products if you’re sure you’re ready!
The Walgreens team can help you build a personalized plan to quit on your terms. I know that if I were trying to quit, I would feel lost going in to get products myself, so you can feel free to ask for help on selecting the best products for you. Walgreens Smoking Cessation products deliver controlled, therapeutic doses of nicotine to help with difficult, physical withdrawal symptoms and relieves cravings. Plus, they are Walgreens Pharmacist recommended!
There are many products to choose from at Walgreens to fit your life and needs. For the gum, each piece of gum should last about 30 minutes, and you can chew up to 20 pieces per day. Walgreens Nicotine Gum is good for people who like to keep their mouth busy. Similar to Walgreens Nicotine Gum, Walgreens Lozenge also comes in 2mg and 4mg strengths. This is a good choice for people who may avoid gum due to TMJ problems. These products are much more affordable when compared to Nicorette and NicoDerm active ingredients, and Walgreens offers 100% satisfaction guarantee.
So what are you waiting on? Help yourself and benefit your family and quit smoking for good with the help of Walgreens Smoking Cesstion products! Bonus: you can even use your HSA or FSA to purchase these products too!