Dear Clara,
Age three seems magical. I want to keep you right here like this forever. Right here like this, where you are learning just how funny you are, still run for comfort in my arms, and are figuring out how everything around you works. Life is so fun and sweet just because we have you around us.
You have been so incredibly strong and resilient all your life, but especially in this last year. We have been in a strange, global pandemic. You were so strong as your twin brothers were born and your schedule was flipped upside down when mom and dad were in the hospital with them for 50+ days. And you have been patient and helpful in the last 4.5 months that your brothers have been home, taking a lot of time and energy from your dad and me. I’m so proud of you.
This letter can’t all be sappy, (but a lot of it will be.) You are the sassiest, funniest three year old I know. Right now, we are working on teaching you how to say “no” to things without SCREAMING it at people. You call ground beef or sausage chicken nuggets. When I give you the option between doing what I say or sitting silently on the couch, you say “Ok, mommy.” And you walk right on over to the couch and sit there as instructed, with a glare and a smirk on your face at the same time.
You ate a whole bucket of popcorn at your first movie experience, and threw up in the car on the way home. Then, you yelled at me until I pulled over. You even said “WHY ARE YOU STILL DRIVING?” And although you were frantic, you still made me laugh. Another fun thing you’ve started doing recently is asking me to take pictures of you with your snacks in the morning. Even if we are running late, I will stop and snap a photo and tell you’re beautiful. I just think you’re so fun!
You take a while to warm up, but you love hard. Your “Mamaw” is your numero uno. You’re always looking for your daddy when he’s not in your sight. You need me when you’re hurt, scared, or emotional. And I can’t imagine not being that big comfort for you. I’m filled with such love any time I hear you yell out mama, mommy, or mom. And my favorite sentence is the sappiest and most simple, but it’s “Mommy, I need you!”

Monster girl, right now you are asleep in your big girl bed for the first time. I let a tear slip out while reading you your bedtime story tonight and it dripped to my nose. You said, “Ew, mommy. Your nose is runnin’.” Way to keep it real.
Three is just hitting me really hard, because I love this version of you so much. But I know that I will love every version of you ever. I cannot wait to see who you become over and over as you grow into your own. I cannot wait to be the first to celebrate your successes, and I hope I’m still the one you run to when you need support even when you’re 50.
Your birthday weekend was filled with family, friends, Paw Patrol, big girl upgrades, and wonder. I am happy to celebrate with you today, and to celebrate you every day forever.
I love you so much. Happy Birthday, Cece girl.