If you’re an OG blog lover, or an OG The Pretty Plus reader, you will know that at the PEAK of blogging, “favorites” posts were a must. They were done monthly, sometimes even weekly, and also there was a favorites post for every sale or season or holiday or anything you could have favorites for.
Now, I had forgotten this lost art form until my favorite blogger, Chelsea from Two Twenty One, posted her favorites. She says she’s going to do them weekly, and I’m like DAMN GIRL, you’re good. Because my intention is to do them monthly until I inevitably turn it into “Current Favorites” because I can’t keep life on track with all these kids and other responsibilities.
Check out my favorites and then a fun little section sharing more of what I got up to in March.

March 2022 Favorites
- The best coffee/espresso maker I’ve ever owned – This bad boy has cut down my Starbucks consumption by 99%. I made the stat up, but I used to go ALL THE TIME, and now I only do if I happen to be treating myself to breakfast while I am out somewhere. Because I haven’t found a replacement for that Bacon & Gouda Sandwich, ya feel me?
- My “Mom Uniform” – Currently it’s these joggers (also in crop) and one of these t-shirts. I wear a 12 or 14 in the joggers and an 18 or 20 in the shirt. (I’m a typically 2-3x.) Throw in this tunic in every color (sage as seen in selfie above,) and it’s the perfect, comfy outfit of my dreams. (I got a 3x in this one.)
- Libby App – I will shout this from the rooftops forever and always, but utilize the digital assets your library provides. I listen to audiobooks or read e-books without some fancy subscription. The books I look for are there 99% of the time. (Why do I keep making up stats and using the same number?)
- Electric Griddle – What an old-school tool to use, right? My mom and grandma both used theirs so much when I was younger. In fact, my mom gifted this to Brett and I when we bought our first home. I am enjoying using it for meal prepping protein lately. I like to make like 4-6 chicken breasts at a time, and sometimes I throw on sausages or steaks or turkey burgers. It’s nice to have the big, open space. Plus, it’s pretty easy to clean!
- Wonderfold Wagon – Comments I get when I take my children out, in order: 1. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT WAGON? 2. ARE THEY TWINS? 3. SHE’S SO TINY AND PRETTY! Now, 1 & 3 I totally get, but number 2? Duh. How else would I get two babies that look THE SAME?
- “Nugget” Couch – We decided to buy the twins this version of the “Nugget” couch for the twins’ first birthday. We have loved the quality, the ship time was good, no waiting for a “drop” and the kiddos all love it. BONUS: It makes a good spot for me to sit on the ground to get down and play with the kids too!
- This Vacuum/Mop – We are clearly all about having some “fancy-ish” things in our home, because instead of buying the Bissell Crosswave, we decided to go with a cheaper version. If you have hard floors and little kids, this thing is BOMB. Applesauce spill on the floor? Run the vac-mop over it. Baby spits up on the floors? Run the vac-mop over it. Yogurt spots, chewed up Goldfish, splish-splashed soup… You get it, run the mop-vac and GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE.
- This tote – in the XL size, especially. I also have Large, which I use quite often, but the XL is where it’s at. Road trips, quick trips, overnights, grocery hauls, and pretty much everything else go in these bags for me!

I CELEBRATED: two HUGE things this past month. Pierce & Beckett turned ONE and my best friend got married!
I ATE: a lot of grilled chicken with blackened seasoning.
I DRANK: Iced lattes, of course. Gotta use that Starbucks Caramel Macchiato Creamer in there too. SO GOOD.
I WENT: to a comedy show (with Chelsea) to see Hasan Minhaj–SO GOOD.
I TRIED: to throw a first birthday party for the twins and FAILED because we were sick at the time of the party and then sick AGAIN when we rescheduled!
I WATCHED: YouTube only, pretty much. I wasn’t in to paying attention to whole shows in March.
I LISTENED TO: the Encanto soundtrack. Are you even a parent if you didn’t listen to it pretty much on repeat?
I READ: The Spanish Love Deception by Elena Armas, A Special Place for Women by Laura Hankin, Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein, You Should See Me in a Crown by Leah Johnson, and American Royals by Katharine McGee. (Catch me on Goodreads to keep up!)
Now, I am going to try to do this again for April! I love articles like this, so it shouldn’t be a problem. I’LL TRY MY BEST.