Brittney Mason
Welcome to theprettyplus.com! I am Brittney, your author and curator. I’m 30 years old, a first time mother, and a banker at my 9-5. I’ve been married to my husband, Brett, for 5 years, and our baby’s name is Clara.
The Pretty Plus is a lifestyle blog that focuses on all aspects of my life. I’m a minimal, classic fashion lover, with a flair for fun sneakers. I’m a dedicated mother and wife, who loves all things relating to cooking and home management. I’m a cat mama who cares about her four-legged friends’ comfort and happiness. I’m a budgeting queen who is passionate about preparing my family for the future and motivating others to do the same.
As life changes, so do my passions. I write what I love so you can see and feel true authenticity in every post. I hope you’ll stick around, follow along on social media, and let me know if you ever have questions or suggestions!
Thank you for being a part of The Pretty Plus, whether you’ve only read a paragraph or if you’ve read every word.